Of Life the Universe and Everything

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hello World!

Well I know I have an MSN space and everything but I really hate it as you have to use Internet Explorer for the full fuctionality and I am a Firefox fan. I really recommend Firefox to everyone even if you aren't a really interested in computers. Firefox is very easy to use and the extensions are great.

Well the point of this blog is... nothing much I guess. I suppose I just want to write down thoughts on technology news, maybe anime & manga and things happening in my Life. Its going to be hard as I dont really know my target audience. Do I want people in Germany to read this? People in Singapore? Or just random people who accidently fall into here? I dont know, I just hope that I can at least get some comments.

I am an avid reader of Digg and Slashdot I guess its because I am a computer geek. I have RSS feeds of both sites on my browser and a ticker on the statusbar. So sometimes I might comment on some article I just read or link to one.
Im going to install Ubuntu Linux on my PC and dual-boot it, but im going to have to be really careful as I dont have any backups. I *acquired* PartitionMagic which is an awesome software and I have already partitioned out 5GB which I am going to install Linux on.

Well today is an important day as School is starting again. In 9th grade now so im now in Upper School. We have a new principal whos worked in Singapore, Taiwan and Egypt which is pretty cool and he seems like a nice guy. The new schedule with A-H days is really different from the old A/B week type and the new time slots are pretty confusing. The construction going on at the school is really irritating as during the breaks there is no space to play soccer as there are soooo many people. My homeroom is really awesome as we have an awesome teacher Ms Nater and also most of my friends are there. We Asians make up 2/3 of the homeroom which is kind of cool. But the location of the homeroom really sucks as its so far away from anything. French class is really weird as there are now 4 different grade levels in 1 class, grades 8-12. Its going to be one very weird french class this year...

Ill post anime I am currently watching on the sidebar and probably comment on them sooner or later. Im not going to bother to change the template graphics as I like the default graphics and if I try to change the header and icons it would not flow as well.

Now I go sleep, or maybe not, Ill see how.


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