Of Life the Universe and Everything

Friday, August 26, 2005

I installed ubuntu linux on this system as a dual boot system finally. PartitionMagic 8 is pretty good, makes everything pretty simple. I thought it would take a long time because on the ancient laptop it took maybe an hour, but on a new com it takes only 30 min? However now that I have installed it I dont know what to do with it... any suggestions?

Also added a shoutbox as you can see, like the seamless integration into the design template? Most shoutboxes are white and dont conform with the template :p at least by my experience with blogs.

B-Day tomorow yeah!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Google, Google and other stuff

Yeah this week is good =) Google desktop beta 2 was released with the google sidebar. I know that sidebars have been around for a while, but the google takes up so little memory which is the best thing about google. The same goes for the newly released google talk!


Google talk is technically like skype, its main purpose is probably VoIP telephone calls, but it has a messenging function too. It leaves a very small imprint on your processes and is vewry minimalistic, a really cool piece of software.

MusicBrainz Tagger is another great piece of software I found. Even though its been around for a while its a great way to label your music collection, especially if you downloaded them and got tracks which are labeled wrong.

I recently read an article about patriotism which started to make me think. I don't really feel patriotic to any country. During the NDP preview performance for the primary 5, everybody was so enthusiastic during the celebrations, but I realised that I have no feelings to Singapore at all. I only lived there for 4 years and I used to be Malaysian.

Thats all for today, its my birthday in 2 days! and the trip next week looks pretty cool. Plus our homeroom teacher said that we dont have any duties to do during the trip and if they give any to us she will fight against it :p

Monday, August 22, 2005

Update cos its about time

Well not much happening. Some interesting things...

My birthday on Saturday 27th of August w00t!
Next week I will be gone on week long school trip, ill be writing all about it afterwards.
I tried an American NATO MRE(Meals Ready to Eat) and I just found out that it tastes better than the school food.
The latest double Naruto episode was freaking weird.... bad filler plots, hopefulyl new filler arc is going to be better with Shino, Kiba, Hinata and Naruto.

Damn this is going to be a short post...

Google Desktop search beta 2 is out! Includes spiffy sidebar, there already is a free sidebar on the net but google's seems to use less resources.

OMG look a real live Mech is being built! http://digg.com/robots/Army_mechanic_builds_18_ft._Mech

I would like to inform the rest of the non-computing world about RSS feeds, these are cool things that would constantly check for updates to things like news sites and show them on your computer. Very useful for blogs and anime sites! ^_^

Anyway thats it for an update, not much but at least I update right?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

n00bness of Info Tech...

Well yesterday I had info tech class, and frankly I did not really like it. We had to make a blog using Xanga. Xanga is in 1337 speak 'teh suxors' So many ads and usless information, the templates are downright ugly and unchangeable unless you pay, the blog system is so confusing the list goes on and on... I didnt even know what the site url was... had to go to help to find out. Anyway it's http://www.xanga.com/daleech visit the blog and you'll know what I am talking about. Compare that to this blog and tell me which is better....

Thursday, August 18, 2005

More Thoughts

I have decided to split up posts in sections because it can get quite long


Hmm Microsoft sued Apple recently over some patent claims about the ipod. Apparently, the Microsoft holds the patents to some of the features of the ipod like the navigation system. But apparently this is totally absurd, as the ipod was being marketed before the patent was claimed. Just shows you the messed up world of corporate America.

This brings me to my rant on the ipod, excuse me for a sec but WTF is so great about the ipod? Or more specifically the ipod mini. The ipod mini's aluminum scratches off, its expensive and it has much less features. I even heard it crashes sometimes. I mean come on people get a brain and realise that ipod does not equal to MP3 player. There are many better offerings out there like the Rio Carbon, or Iriver, or Creative. Some rich spoilt kids even get them to put 20 songs on them and show off, like WTF???? /rant

The recent spate of instructions and hacks into the Mac OSX x86 is pretty interesting, but it does seem like a very complicated process and downloading the neccassary files is going to take a long time. If I manage to install Linux on this computer then maybe I will consider it. Lately though Apple is suing hackers of the OSX x86. I think they they should not do much about this hacker community though until they release official versions as this would introduce more people to their OS.

Interesting Fact: On the day that Apple had to submit a company name Steve Jobs told everyone that if they couldnt think up of a name by 5pm he would name the company after his favourite fruit, namely-the apple.

I was really suprised with the coverage of the virus attacks by CNN. The virus was not much of a big deal, but they made it sound like it was the end of the world. I mean come on, why are you using windows 2000 and why didnt you install the patch that was released to fix it??


Well Science Class is messed up. We are having biology class in the old textiles technology class and since they are clearing the class there is only 1 desk in the middle. How the hell are we supposed to do biology??? French class is as dysfunctional as ever as every single grade level in the class learnt things at different levels.

Recently here have been many crisises. London 2 terrorist bombings, Plane crash in Toronto, Plane crash in Greece, Russians trapped in Submarine, another plane crash in Venenzuela. What in the world is going on???

Got to do Homework now.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hello World!

Well I know I have an MSN space and everything but I really hate it as you have to use Internet Explorer for the full fuctionality and I am a Firefox fan. I really recommend Firefox to everyone even if you aren't a really interested in computers. Firefox is very easy to use and the extensions are great.

Well the point of this blog is... nothing much I guess. I suppose I just want to write down thoughts on technology news, maybe anime & manga and things happening in my Life. Its going to be hard as I dont really know my target audience. Do I want people in Germany to read this? People in Singapore? Or just random people who accidently fall into here? I dont know, I just hope that I can at least get some comments.

I am an avid reader of Digg and Slashdot I guess its because I am a computer geek. I have RSS feeds of both sites on my browser and a ticker on the statusbar. So sometimes I might comment on some article I just read or link to one.
Im going to install Ubuntu Linux on my PC and dual-boot it, but im going to have to be really careful as I dont have any backups. I *acquired* PartitionMagic which is an awesome software and I have already partitioned out 5GB which I am going to install Linux on.

Well today is an important day as School is starting again. In 9th grade now so im now in Upper School. We have a new principal whos worked in Singapore, Taiwan and Egypt which is pretty cool and he seems like a nice guy. The new schedule with A-H days is really different from the old A/B week type and the new time slots are pretty confusing. The construction going on at the school is really irritating as during the breaks there is no space to play soccer as there are soooo many people. My homeroom is really awesome as we have an awesome teacher Ms Nater and also most of my friends are there. We Asians make up 2/3 of the homeroom which is kind of cool. But the location of the homeroom really sucks as its so far away from anything. French class is really weird as there are now 4 different grade levels in 1 class, grades 8-12. Its going to be one very weird french class this year...

Ill post anime I am currently watching on the sidebar and probably comment on them sooner or later. Im not going to bother to change the template graphics as I like the default graphics and if I try to change the header and icons it would not flow as well.

Now I go sleep, or maybe not, Ill see how.